around thirty people massacred by men in military uniform in the west of the country

around thirty people massacred by men in military uniform in

In the commune of Fô, in western Burkina Faso and approximately 95 km from Bobo-Dioulasso, around thirty people were massacred Friday, December 8 late in the morning by men in military uniform. On the day of the weekly market in Dougounani, the attackers first executed a woman before attacking other people.

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The inhabitants of the village of Dongounani spent a black Friday. This market day, according to a passing witness, men dressed in military uniform arrive on motorbikes. A woman is ordered to follow them. Worried, some people are trying to find out the reasons for this arrest.

A few minutes later, the woman was taken from the crowd by men in uniform who executed her on the spot. Residents then tried to flee, some were caught and killed in turn.

According to information cross-checked by RFI from several local sources, among the murdered villagers are young children, pregnant women and old people. One of the victims, a well-known community figure, was 93 years old. All those killed were buried in a mass grave.

This is not the first tragedy experienced by this town of around 20,000 inhabitants. Last July, the village of Kiébani was the target of an attack during which four Volunteers of the Fatherland (VDP) were killed.

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