Army soldiers will receive a significant “risk premium”

Army soldiers will receive a significant risk premium

Army soldiers see their ends of the month greatly enhanced. The Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces announced it on Monday during the midday television news. They will now receive, as part of “the revitalization and improvement of living conditions”, a risk bonus, like the special forces who have benefited from it for a long time. A measure taken to satisfy all men in uniform, according to the army’s communications services.

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Chadian soldiers had already been increased a year ago, just after the adoption of a new general status for soldiers in the defense and security forces. This law which had modernized their status from the change in grade to orderly retirement, including the fixing of the same pay at equal grade. Which made it pass for a 2nd class soldier 1st echelon – the lowest rank in the army – from 45,000 to 72,250 CFA francs, the equivalent of 115 euros.

This time, the measure concerns only elements of the army, specified the chief of staff of the armed forces, General Abakar Abdelkerim Daoud. These soldiers began to receive in addition to their pay a risk bonus, from which the men of the Chadian special forces, such as the DGSSIE – a sort of presidential guard – or the Division of Special Anti-Terrorist Groups, had already benefited for years. , specifies the army communications service.

Our 2nd class soldier 1st echelon will now pocket from this end of the month the handsome sum of 127,500 CFA francs, almost 200 euros, almost triple the pay they received a little over a year ago. a year. The same goes for army generals, who will benefit from this risk premium. A measure which concerns around 30% of Chadian soldiers.
