Arms aid to Ukraine from the United States and Britain increased – the war overshadowed Independence Day

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi remembered those who died on the Kyiv Maidan and those who fell in the war.

In Ukraine, the country’s 31st Independence Day was celebrated without major celebrations, as concerns about Russian attacks prevented the organization of public events.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyi visited his spouse Olena Zelenska with at the monument to those who died in the Kyiv Maidan uprising.

In addition to this, the president handed out bravery medals to those wounded in the war – as well as to those who fell, whose relatives accepted the recognitions awarded by the president.

Along with Independence Day, six months have passed since the start of the Russian attack on Wednesday. Both Zelenskyi and the United States had warned in advance that Russia might target civilian targets and government buildings.

Missile attack on the station in Dnipropetrovsk

Zelenskyi announced in a video message to the UN Security Council that Russia fired missiles at the railway station in the Dnipropetrovsk region. He said the attack had caused casualties, the number of which could rise.

– This is how our everyday life is. This is how Russia prepares for the UN meeting, stated Zelenskyi.

However, the capital Kyiv has at least so far avoided attacks on the holiday.

The surprise of the day was organized by the British Prime Minister Boris Johnsonwho arrived as a guest of Zelensky.

Boris Johnson warned about the agreements

During the war, the visits of the heads of state were usually not announced in advance anyway. Johnson praised Ukraine’s indomitable resistance and warned against “shabby” deals with Moscow.

At his trial, Johnson had a promise of new arms aid. He said Britain was supplying Ukraine with advanced drone weapons worth £54m.

US increases arms aid

President of the United States Joe Biden characterized Ukraine’s Independence Day as a bittersweet celebration and assured support for the defense of the country’s sovereignty gained from Soviet rule.

As a guarantee of this, Biden announced that the United States would grant Ukraine a record-breaking, almost three billion dollars in arms aid.

It is the largest aid package since the start of the Russian offensive, and includes anti-aircraft and artillery systems, unmanned aerial weapons and radar equipment. Biden said the purpose is to ensure Ukraine’s defense capability over a long period of time.

The words of the US president indicated that there is no end in sight for the war – after Russia’s attack that has already lasted six months.
