Armita Garawand is dead

“Armita Garawand, a student in Tehran, died an hour ago after intensive treatment and 28 days in intensive care in hospital,” reports the Borna news agency, which is affiliated with the country’s Ministry of Youth.

It is still not entirely clear what happened after the girl entered the subway train on October 1 without a headscarf. Only seconds later she is carried out.

On Monday, her father announced that there was no longer “hope for recovery”.

The moral police denies

Anti-regime activists claim she was attacked by Tehran’s so-called morality police because she did not follow the country’s strict dress code for women. Activists in other countries are demanding an independent investigation into what happened to her.

Iran has denied the allegations of the subway incident involving female police officers. Authorities have stated that the girl passed out from low blood pressure and that the police have nothing to do with her condition.

Iranian authorities are on high alert for heightened social tensions just over a year after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Zhina Amini while being held in custody by the country’s morality police. Amini was arrested in September 2022 for not wearing the mandatory veil correctly. Her death led to months of protests that shook the country’s government.
