Armand Duplantis in stormy weather in the middle of the Athletics World Championships – forced to act after strong criticism of the undressed image

Armand Duplantis advertises the dental service Aqua Dental.
But now the company is forced to act – and remove a picture of the big star.
“We understand the critical reactions,” the company writes to Hänt.

Armand Duplantis is currently in Budapest, where he is chasing a new WC gold. Duplantis is one of the absolute biggest names in athletics, and it is not only in the arena that Duplantis is successful. The successes in pole vaulting have made him a real hot name for Swedish companies, who are happy to use his face in advertisements.

Forced to act

One such company is the dental service Aqua Dental, where Mondo is the face of several campaigns. Duplantis has appeared in commercials for the company, but now an image has sparked strong reactions – and it’s even prompted the company to act.

230614 Armand Duplantis of Sweden during a press event ahead of the athletics competition Bislett Games on June 14, 2023 in Oslo. Photo: Vegard Grøtt / BILDBYRÅN

On social media, several users highlighted the fact that Duplantis, in one of the images in the commercials, was lying in bed bare-chested, looking down at his mobile phone. Duplantis does not smile, and no teeth are visible. Many have said that it is unclear what Mondo is actually advertising, and now Aqua Dental has reacted by taking down the image.

“We have chosen to remove the image that some reacted to and understand the critical reactions,” writes Samir Chahimi, Marketing Manager Aqua, to Hänt.

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Hard move

However, Aqua Dental believes that the campaign as a whole was met with positive reactions.

“At the same time, it is worth pointing out that the campaign has generally received a strong positive reception. We see that our campaign, which dares to be different (to be a dentist), leads to more people taking the step to the dentist. That has always been our aim and we are proud of that,” writes Samir Chahimi.

The removed advertisement. Photo: Screenshot

Armand Duplantis tells Expressen that he was not involved in the decision to take down the picture, and that he “doesn’t really care”. He was also happy with how he looked in the picture.

– If I didn’t look good in the picture, it would have been worse! Now I still look fit and well-trained, so I’m satisfied, he tells the newspaper.

READ MORE: Armand Duplanti’s drastic action after the big shock before the World Cup: “It got him sorted”
