ARM: what is it?

ARM what is it

ARM, acronym for Acorn RISC Machineis a RISC architecture (Red Instruction Set Computing) developed by ARM Limited. This architecture of processor is not new. It was used for the first time in the computers personal as early as the 1980s. However, it is unlikely to see a device labeled as having an ARM processor as is the case for machines powered by AMD and Intelas Arm Limited licenses the architecture to third-party companies so that they can develop their own processors.

ARM, the architecture that powers our mobile devices

Modern examples of processors based on the ARM architecture include the Tegra chip from Nvidia that we find in the nintendo-switch and Qualcomm’s Snapdragon line of processors that power the majority of smartphones and tablets modern. If you own a smartphone, tablet, or handheld console, chances are your device runs on the ARM architecture. Why ? Because the nature of the RISC architecture allows fewer transistors to be used than CPUs x86 based on Intel commonly found in laptops and desktops, which helps ARM-based chips excel in matter of consumptionenergy and dissipation of heat. Smartphones prioritizing theautonomy of battery and heat dissipation rather than performance power, ARM technology comes into its own here.

Following recent performance improvements and better support software from MicrosoftARM processors also began to appear in laptop, although primarily targeting ultrabooks that prioritize battery and portability. That said, Apple has now released its own ARM-based processor technology, Apple Silicon, and it has so far demonstrated superior performance over similar Intel chips.

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