Ariane Ascaride and David Venitucci, the joy of giving

Ariane Ascaride and David Venitucci the joy of giving

On the stage of the Lucernaire in Paris, the actress Ariane Ascaride, alongside the composer and accordionist David Venitucci, interprets with accuracy and emotions “ The joy of giving », a show imagined from poems by the German playwright Bertolt Brecht.

It doesn’t take much for the magic of theater to take hold. Two high chairs in front of two desks, a few spots of light, an actress and an accordionist who for a little over an hour let us hear the beauty, the acuity and the disturbing topicality of the words of the German playwright, writer and poet Bertold Brecht .

Exile, war, misery, the condition of women, the weight of morality and of course the theatre: Ariane Ascaride and David Venitucci share with their audience the emotions, the commitments, the humor also of these sometimes sung poems which leaving the room, remain with us for a long time, perhaps forever.

The show ” The joy of giving is playing at the Théâtre du Lucernaire in Paris until March 5.

Ariane Ascaride and David Venitucci are the guests of VMDN.

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