Argentinian President Milei targeted the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, bringing the two countries to the brink of diplomatic crisis.

Argentinian President Milei targeted the wife of Spanish Prime Minister

Argentinian President Javier Milei targeted the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez during a far-right political meeting he attended in Madrid, the capital of Spain. Although he did not directly mention her name, Milei said that Begona Gomez, the wife of the Spanish Prime Minister, was “corrupt.”

Following the allegations of a right-wing anti-corruption group in Spain, the court decided to conduct a preliminary investigation against Begona Gomez. However, prosecutors called for the investigation to be dropped, saying there was no evidence.

After Milei’s words, Spain demanded an apology from Argentina. The Argentine government rejected this request and demanded that “Spain apologize for the words made about Milei.”


Argentinian President Milei, who was invited to the event of the far-right Vox party in Madrid, the capital of Spain, targeted the “global elites” as he has been doing for a long time, talking about the “dangers of socialism” and the “damage caused by people who are attached to their seats”.

“If you have a corrupt wife, it gets uglier,” Milei said at the time, referring to the corruption investigation Gomez was undergoing.

Spanish Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares summoned the Argentinian Ambassador and said that Milei had insulted both Spain and the country’s leader.

Albares warned that Spain may cut diplomatic relations with Argentina if an apology is not made.

On the other hand, Argentinian Interior Minister Guillermo Francos emphasized that “they will not apologize” and argued that Spain should apologize for the words previously made about Milei.

At the beginning of May, a minister in Spain accused the Argentine leader of using drugs in the past. Milei, on the other hand, targeted Spain’s socialist prime minister.

This isn’t Milei’s first spat with leaders of other countries. Milei had previously called Brazilian leader Lula da Silva an “angry communist” and Mexican leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador an “ignorant”.



Begona Gomez, wife of Spanish Prime Minister Sanchez, was not punished for corruption allegations and prosecutors reported that there was no need for an investigation.

The anti-corruption group that filed the complaint against Gomez later admitted that the allegations may have been false.

Prime Minister Sanchez also said that his wife would cooperate with the judiciary to prove that the allegations were unfounded, and stated that “the right-wing and far-right are carrying out an unprecedented smear and harassment campaign.”


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