Argentina’s vice president was threatened with a gun

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Several TV channels in Argentina have shown video clips of the man drawing his gun and pointing it at close range at Kirchner’s head as she got out of a car outside her home in Buenos Aires.

Since last week, several hundred people have gathered outside Kirchner’s home to protest. Kirchner is accused of corruption and prosecutors are demanding a prison sentence of twelve years and a lifetime ban from politics.

Kirchner is now president of the Senate and enjoys parliamentary immunity.

Even if she were to be convicted, a verdict is expected at the end of the year, it is not certain that she will end up in prison. She could face jail time following a decision by the Supreme Court or if she loses her seat in the Senate in elections at the end of next year.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was the president of Argentina between 2007 and 2015. Since 2019, she is the country’s vice president.
