Argentina, debt negotiations underway: IMF meets Milei

Argentina debt negotiations underway IMF meets Milei

(Finance) – Starts today, January 5, the IMF mission in Buenos Aires to negotiate the payment terms of the next installment of a total debt equal to 46 billion dollars; in addition to the Argentine government’s macroeconomic reorganization program. This was announced by the government spokesperson, Manuel Adorni. The Minister of EconomyLuis Caputo, and the head of Cabinet, Nicolas Posse, will start the negotiation.

At the end of December, the President of Argentina, Javier Milei, announced a mega-decree laying the foundations for a broad deregulation of the national economy, presented as the “basis for the reconstruction” of the country afflicted by serious macroeconomic and social imbalances. In a video broadcast to unified networks, the head of state presented only 30 of over 300 exemptions and provisions submitted en bloc to the approval of the Chambers.

Meanwhile, it has also arrived another move from Milei which renounces joining the Brics Group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

January 1st should have formalized the entry of Buenos Aires but the Argentine leader sent a letter to all the heads of state of the bloc appealing for the difference in approach in “foreign policy matters” compared to the government of the former Argentine president, Alberto Fernandez. , winking at the USA and underlining the distance with the Dragon.
