Arena School in Timrå alerts about increased violations on social media: “Unfortunately everyday for the students”

– Although these violations often occur outside school hours, it will be the school’s staff who can handle the consequences during school hours, he says.

Turns to guardians

The school works actively to inform the students about current legislation, but it is often only when violations have already occurred that the school gets involved.

In order to counteract this negative trend, the school is now turning directly to the custodians with an invitation to pay more attention to their children’s telephone use.

– It is often talked about that young people curlas by their parents, but just online they are left alone – to each other, and to others who want them badly. Here we adults must step forward, says Erik Sandberg.

Special call to guardian with sons

A special call has been addressed to guardians with sons, as Arena School has seen that many girls are exposed to pressure to send pictures of more naked or sexual nature to boys at school.

Something that can lead to serious and long -term consequences, both in the form of spread and continued pressure, says Erik Sandberg.

See the interview with the Arena School curator in the clip above.
