Area business offers free skating lessons to newcomers

Newcomers looking to learn Canada’s signature winter pastime, ice skating, aren’t getting left out in the cold.

Newcomers looking to learn Canada’s signature winter pastime, ice skating, aren’t getting left out in the cold.

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Your Neighborhood Credit Union (YNCU) is offering a free ice skating program to teach international students, elementary pupils and new Canadians how to hit the ice rink safely this winter.

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The Motivate 2 Skate program will be launched next month, with experienced instructors to show new skaters the ropes at London’s Community Centre, formerly known as the Bostwick Community Centre, on Southdale Road. The four-week program runs will run every Friday from 11 am to noon from Nov. 3 to Nov. 24. Would-be skaters looking to participate in the program must register online in advance.

The goal is for new ice skaters to build their confidence so they can eventually glide on their own without support or assistance, the credit union says. Learning the fundamentals, including lacing up your skates and falling properly, are necessary skills to master before the new skaters hit local rinks on their own.

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The credit union is hoping the experience will be fun and rewarding for folks who have never strapped on skates before.

Skates and a helmet will be provided to participants, and ones looking to adopt the hobby can keep the equipment after graduating from the program.

YNCU is seeking donations of gently used skates and helmets to support the program. Donations can be dropped off at the YNCU branch at 1140 Southdale Road West.

[email protected]

What: A free learn-to-skate program for newcomers, elementary pupils and international students

When: Four weeks, from 11 am to noon from Nov. 3 to 24

Where: community center, 501 Southdale Road West

Register online:

Donate used equipment: Skates and helmet can be dropped off at 1140 Southdale Rd. W.

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