Are Your Sheets Really Clean? Find Out How Often to Wash Them, According to Microbiologists

Are Your Sheets Really Clean Find Out How Often to

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    Thought you were doing the norm by washing your sheets every two weeks or every month? That’s not nearly enough, according to microbiology experts. Find out what’s hiding under the covers with you!

    How often do you wash your sheets? If you are within the norm, you will probably answer every two weeks or so. In any case, this is the typical response of 42% of respondents to a Wopilo survey conducted last August. Only 23% say they do it every week, while 5% say they change them.when they look dirty”. However, the hygiene of a bed is important, especially since you spend several hours there every night.

    The risks of sleeping in dirty sheets

    Maintaining healthy bedding is not a matter of vanity. Not only can sleeping in questionable sheets be unpleasant, but you also expose yourself to some health risks.

    While you sleep, your body sheds dead skin, sweat, and other bodily fluids, which create an environment where dust mites and bacteria can thrive.

    Dust mites can make asthma worse, while bacteria can cause skin infections.It is a concentrated accumulation of dirt and other organisms” confirms Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona and an expert in sleep hygiene in an article in Reader’s Digest last July.

    In addition to bacteria, the expert confirms: odors are also involved!

    The right frequency to change your sheets according to experts

    For the expert, known in his profession as Dr Germ, it would therefore be a question of changing his sheets. at least every two weeks, if not more. Once a week would be ideal, especially if you suffer from certain skin conditions or allergies.”This frequency helps remove sweat, oils, dead cells and bacteria accumulated on the sheets, reducing the risk of skin irritation, rashesacne and other skin problems”explains Tiffany Libby, MD, dermatologist in the same media.

    Some situations even require more frequent changing of sheets:

    • If you are sick, it is advisable to change your sheets every two days to prevent reinfection and speed up recovery;
    • If you have pets that sleep with you, small children, or if you regularly eat in bed, it is best to wash the sheets more often;
    • If you currently suffer from allergies, you should change your sheets every three to four days to reduce exposure to allergens;
    • If you sleep naked, you should know that you will also have to change your sheets more often: sleeping without pajamas means more accumulation of sweat, sebum, dead cells and dirt on the sheets…

    Also, polyester contains more bacteria than cotton, and absorbs more of the body’s natural secretions, which means bacteria could grow in higher numbers. If your sheets are made of polyester, you should also wash them more often.

    How often should I wash other bedding items?

    Sheets should therefore be washed as often as possible, because they are in close contact with skin, dirt and debris. But so should other items in the bed. When should they be washed?

    • Pillowcases should be washed at the same time as sheets. Just like duvet covers;
    • Blankets should be washed before first use, as “Many fabrics are treated with chemicals to prevent the formation of mold during the shipping process (and for a multitude of other reasons)” ;
    • The pillows themselves can be washed every three to six months on a delicate cycle with your usual detergent;
    • Duvets are machine washed twice a year.

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