Are you washing these clothes enough… or TOO often? Here is the right laundry frequency depending on the case

Are you washing these clothes enough or TOO often Here

One, two, three, seven times a week? These specialists tell us how often to wash our clothes.

7.3 billion detergents per year in France. This is the insane figure advanced by the statistics site planetoscope. Do we really need, every second, to launch 231 machines in the four corners of France? Intensive use of water and electricityuse of detergents often full of chemicals… Reducing the washing of our clothes would be good for the planet and… for our clothes ! Because repeated washing damages the fibers of our favorite pieces and reduces their lifespan. Advice.

How often should you wash your clothes?

Spoilers: there are no set rules. Laura Favréco-founder of the clean detergent brand Spring, assures: “Most clothes can be worn 3-4 times before going through the washing machine, but there are obviously nuances.” And to specify: “Thousands of bacteria can proliferate on our clothes. They are particularly present in perspiration, urine or blood. If they are not dangerous for your health, we still advise you to wash your laundry regularly to prevent their proliferation.“. The American media Huffpost has listed in an article devoted to this subject the risks that the skin incurs when the machines are spaced too far apart for certain garments:

  • yeast infection
  • acne breakout
  • clogged pores
  • folliculitis
  • bacteria

The New York dermatologist Joshua Zeichnercited by Huffpostgives a concrete example: “Re-wearing sweaty socks can cause athlete’s foot [infection de champignons microscopiques, ndlr] or aggravate an existing case”. Conclusion: the clothes to be washed most often are those that have been directly in touch with the skin. This includes underwear, socks, undershirts and workout clothes, which are parts that are exposed to bodily fluids. The rest of the time, it’s a matter of being logical: clothes that are stained, dirty or have a bad smell should be washed immediately, of course. And to remove the most stubborn stains, Laure Favre has an infallible secret: “Use a stain remover in addition and presto, no more stains.” Simple, right?

Which clothes should be washed more occasionally?

To save water, electricity and extend the life of your favorite pieces, some of them can be washed less often. Laure Favre gave us her advice garment by garment.

  • The jeans : “There are two schools! Purists will tell you that jeans never wash to give them the prettiest patina. And the less purists, including us, will recommend that you wear them about 4 times before taking machine, as with all pants for that matter.”
  • The bras: “They can be worn up to 3 times before being washed.”
  • Blouses, tops, and T-shirts: “They must be washed after each use, 2 worn maximum.”
  • Wool sweaters: “Same frequency as blouses, tops and T-shirts, but we will choose a special delicate textile detergent to preserve the fibers.”
  • Household linen: “We will wash the towels every week and the sheets every 15 days to limit bacteria.”

The French natural brand of household products danika also provides some good advice on this subject on its website.

  • The coats : “They can be washed every three months during the period you wear them. We advise you to wash them once before the winter period, once during and once at the end of winter.”
  • Bathrobes: “If you use them every day, it is recommended to wash them minimum once a week and maximum every two weeks. Otherwise, every 5 to 6 uses.”

The dermatologist Aanand Geriaquestioned by the Huffpostadvises not to wash too often the evening wear : “Suits, evening dresses and cocktail dresses are usually made from delicate fabrics that require special care. They can often be worn several times before cleaning, especially if they are not heavily soiled or stained. “ And if you have perspired a little because of a few wild dances, you can favor the use of the steamer, which, thanks to the steam, makes it possible to overcome certain bad smells, wash your clothes by hand or seek the help of a dry cleaner for a dry cleaning. Finally, to space out your clothing machines, here is Laure Favre’s miracle tip: “Store them properly after wearing them. Neatly folded or hung in your dressing room, your clothes can be worn several times. Also remember to air them out to rediscover the smell of fresh air.”. Up to you !
