Are you unbeatable on Michel Polnareff?

Are you unbeatable on Michel Polnareff

POLNAREFF. At 78, Michel Polnareff is back with an album, a tour and a special evening on France 2.

At 78, Michel Polnareff is once again in the spotlight. The singer, who has just unveiled a new cover album titled Polnareff sings Polnareffwill go back on stage for a tour announced in 2023. The opportunity for France 2 to put him in the spotlight this Tuesday, December 06, with an evening called Michel Polnareff, the evening event. The interpreter of Letter to France will resume on this occasion some of his most famous songs and will be joined by about fifteen artists of all generations.

But these will not be the only guests on France 2, because Michel Polnareff will also be able to dialogue with his double, younger, in hologram. The opportunity for us to review the incredible destiny of this singer with a sixty-year career, with his greatest secrets…
