Are you properly insured as a pensioner? Here are the pitfalls

Are you properly insured as a pensioner Here are the

Have you recently become a pensioner or is retirement just around the corner? Then it may be time to review your insurance policies.

Because when you leave working life and start a new life, the insurance policies you took out earlier may be more or less relevant.

– You can largely adapt the insurances according to the need and a possible changed situation, says Gustav Jonssonlawyer and expert in pension and insurance at Consumers’ Insurance Agencyto News24 and continues:

– If, for example, you travel a lot more, it may be appropriate to review and supplement your travel cover. And some insurances can become worse or more expensive, for example, a lot of accident insurance tends to become worse with increasing age, where larger compensation amounts are written down, and life insurance can of course become much more expensive.

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Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

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Some insurances are necessary

If you have a car or motorcycle, you must have traffic insurance by law, and it is best to have home insurance regardless of whether you live in a tenement, condominium or villa. So even if you are retired.

Some insurances are highlighted by the Consumer Insurance Agency as “necessary”, even for those who have retired. This is because they include disaster protection, which means that, in the event of serious events, you will not have to bear expensive expenses and can instead receive a high compensation. This includes travel insurance, car insurance, boat insurance and pet insurance.

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Photo: Izabelle Nordfjell/TT

Accident insurance, survivors’ protection and life insurance as well as healthcare insurance are categorized as “good to have” by the Consumer Insurance Agency. These are not as obvious to have, but may be relevant for some, but the compensation you get via these is usually less than what you get for those categorized as “necessary”.

Review these policies

There are also certain insurances that, according to Konsumenternas Försäkringsbyrå, you can think twice about whether you really need them. Many times they give low compensation or you are already covered by another insurance.

Here are the insurances that may be worth looking into if they are necessary in the life situation you are in as a pensioner:

  • Product insurances
  • Extra cancellation protection
  • ID protection
  • “Funeral Insurance”
  • Separate assistance insurance
  • Extended engine warranty
  • Excess insurance
  • Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT Pitfalls to watch out for

    Some pitfalls that the advisory body highlights when it comes to insurance for pensioners are, for example:

  • Going on a trip with health problems without getting approval from the insurance company before departure.
  • Having comprehensive insurance on an old car where the market value is very low.
  • Having accident insurance where the amount has been eroded.
  • Having a group insurance policy that expires at a certain age.
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