Are you pregnant and look like Chewbacca? It’s the fault of…

Are you pregnant and look like Chewbacca Its the fault

During pregnancy, some pregnant women face a symptom that they did not necessarily expect: becoming hairy or seeing hair appear on certain areas of the body which, until now, were free of it.

When we are expecting a baby, we prepare, in advance, to endure certain pregnancy ailments such as nausea, back pain, heavy legs or constant urge to urinate, which are among the common symptoms of pregnancy. . What we less expect is the appearance of hair, in quantity, and especially in areas that were rather smooth before getting pregnant. Some mothers-to-be see fuzz settling in unusual places (face, stomach, upper arms, neck, toes or fingers, etc.).

Conversely, others are happy to see that their hair grows back less quickly on their legs or armpits. “Just as we are not equal in terms of our weight, our curves and our mood in general, our pregnancy is driven by our hormones which very often do as they please. We can therefore observe more generous hair growth or conversely a significant decrease“, explains Sandrine Azoulay, beautician.

Like most other symptoms, hair growth depends on hormone levels which increase during pregnancy. If you have more hair than usual, it is simply because your production of progesterone and estrogen is higher. But these hormones are also essential to allow the fetus to develop well during these nine months. Rest assured, your hair system will return to normal after the birth of your baby. Let us also remember that every woman is different and so is every pregnancy.
