Are you left-handed? Here is the reason

Are you left handed Here is the reason

Living as a left-hander can seem unfair because everything from bicycles and doors to kitchen utensils and instruments are adapted to the overwhelming majority who are right-handed. Because only about 10 percent of the world’s population is left-handed, and maybe you’ve ever wondered why that is?


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Myths about left-handedness

Historically, left-handers have had to put up with a solid smear. That’s what the author and poetry researcher thinks Niklas Schiöler who earlier this year visited “News morning“.

– The big myth that has been around for thousands of years is that left-handedness is something sinister,” he says, referring to both the Bible and Egyptian mythology.

So to find some solace on his seemingly lonely edge, left-handers can rejoice in various like-minded geniuses who Leonardo da Vinci, Greta Garbo and Jimi Hendrixto name a few well-known left-handed names.


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Therefore, some people become left-handed

The brain is divided into two halves, which therefore asymmetrically control opposite sides of the body. The left hemisphere controls the right side, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. The brain hemispheres in turn control different skills and functions.

“Evolutionarily speaking, this pattern may have provided advantages in our early development when we first seriously started using tools and weapons, something that required extra fine motor skills,” writes Swedish EPN.

So what causes left-handedness? Although the left hemisphere, which controls the right side of the body, is usually responsible for functions such as language and fine motor skills, it sometimes happens that the right hemisphere takes over those functions instead. It may be the reason why people become left-handed.


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