Are you killing all your green plants? An expert gives the points to scrutinize to save them

Are you killing all your green plants An expert gives

Do you love plants, but can’t keep them alive for more than a few months? We are not born with a green thumb, but we can learn it! To save your plants, here are the right questions to ask yourself according to a specialist.

No, you are not cursed! Having a green thumb isn’t for everyone, but by taking care of your plants and following these tips, you should get by. On their Tiktok account plantabulle.frtwo lovers of green plants deliver us the questions to ask you if you kill all your plants.

  • Is the exposure good? Some plants like to be in daylight, others in partial shade. But they rarely tolerate full sun or complete darkness. Depending on the plant you have chosen, you will have to choose its location carefully. Ask the sellers for advice at the time of purchase on the ideal location for your plant, and avoid full sun behind glass and a windowless room.
  • Am I watering my plant enough? Or on the contrary, am I watering it too much? Some plants will need a lot of water, others won’t, at the risk of seeing their roots rot. In the comments of the video, we find the advice to opt for oyas, “the plant will take what it needs in terms of water”.

If you answer yes to these first two propositions, ask yourself the following two questions:

  • Is the pot the right size? Neither too big nor too small?
  • Is it well drained at the bottom? The water should not stagnate at the bottom.

If the answer is still yes, ask yourself about diseases and parasites:

  • Are there any critters on the stems and leaves?
  • Are there white cocoons?
  • Are there any abnormal spots?
  • Are there like fine cobwebs?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, don’t let the problem drag on and deal with it. If you answer no, you are really unlucky! Maybe you just bought a plant that was already not in great shape…
