Are you in a relationship? Never do this with your money

Are you in a relationship Never do this with your

We all have different finances and circumstances. If it happens that you meet a partner who has completely different financial conditions than yourself, a good dose of good communication is required for it to last.

According to the psychologist David Waskuri first of all, you should never neglect to discuss the economy openly. Not talking about money can lead to serious problems later, as psychologist David Waskuri warns.

– A fairly common problem that comes up is that you earn different amounts and that within the relationship you have different expectations about how it should be handled, says David Waskuri in an interview with The evening paper.

There are certain things that can make the relationship worse. Here are the things you should absolutely never do in such a situation.

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Common pitfalls

One of the biggest pitfalls is expecting the economy to even out on its own. When one partner earns significantly more, it may feel natural for the richer partner to offer more at the beginning.

But when expectations change and both have to start contributing equally, conflicts often arise. Therefore, you should never rely on your partner to always pay to maintain the same lifestyle as in the beginning.

Another big mistake, according to David Waskuri, is not having a common budget. If you don’t know who is going to pay what, financial disagreements can quickly escalate into serious fights.

It is also important to avoid secrets about money. Having secret accounts or investments without the other’s knowledge undermines trust and can create major rifts in the relationship if revealed.

– Financial secrets can destroy trust in a relationship and create major problems, says David Waskuri to Aftonbladet.

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The psychologist’s best advice

To deal with these problems, David Waskuri works to create a pleasant discussion climate. He suggests four strategies:

  • Be clear about your needs and what you need to feel good.
  • Validate the other person and ensure you understood each other correctly.
  • List problems and alternative solutions to find the best solution together.
  • Compromise and work together as a team instead of focusing on who pays the most.

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