Are You Drinking Enough Water? This Super Quick Trick From Dr. Kierzek Reveals If You’re Dehydrated

Are You Drinking Enough Water This Super Quick Trick From

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    in collaboration with

    Dr. Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    In hot weather, it’s even more important to stay well hydrated on a daily basis. But how can you be aware of your condition? Our medical director, Dr. Gérald Kierzek, gives us his simple tip that can be reproduced in just a few seconds.

    When temperatures rise, like right now, dehydration is a risk. But unfortunately, we don’t always have the reflex to drink more. To check the hydration of your children or your elders, there is however a small, simple gesture to know, shared by our emergency physician, Dr. Gérald Kierzek.

    The finger dehydration test or skinfold test

    This is a very simple test that does not require any instruments and allows you to quickly assess your level of hydration or, more precisely, to highlight dehydration.

    “The gesture is very simple” the expert tells us:

    1. Gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand between your thumb and forefinger;
    2. Hold for a few seconds then release;
    3. Observe how the skin returns to its original shape.

    It is therefore the reaction of your skin that will give you the right information:

    • If the skin instantly regains its shape: you are well hydrated
    • If the skin takes 1-2 seconds to come back: slight dehydration
    • If the skin takes more than 2 seconds: more significant dehydration

    These other signals not to be ignored

    While this test allows you to quickly get an idea of ​​your hydration level, our expert reminds you that other signs should put you on the right track and encourage you to drink more (water) every day.

    • There color of your urine :The clearer the urine, the better the hydration. For comparison you can use a color scale from pale yellow to dark brown;
    • There feeling of thirst : persistent thirst may indicate a lack of hydration;
    • The observation of certain symptoms : ““Dry mouth, fatigue, and headaches can signal dehydration.”

    Finally, if you are athletic, one method has also proven itself:

    • Weigh yourself before and after exercise;
    • Record fluids consumed during activity;
    • Calculate fluid loss: (Weight before + Fluids drunk) – Weight after

    As a reminder, although a good part of daily hydration is provided by food, you should drink 1.3 and 1.8 liters of water per day to ensure a correct daily intake. In summer, it is even advisable to go up to 2 liters, or more, if you are athletic.
