Are you a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery? obesity test

Are you a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery obesity test

Very successful results can be obtained if bariatric surgery is performed with a multidisciplinary approach and to suitable candidates for bariatric surgery. Pointing out that some wrong information that is thought to be true in the society may cause delay in treatment or negative results, General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Bilgi Baca explained the 8 wrongs that are believed to be true about obesity and the criteria suitable for bariatric surgery with a 6-question test, and made important warnings and suggestions.

“I am comfortable with my weight, I have no health problems”: FALSE!

FACT: Obesity is not just an aesthetic disorder, it is a chronic disease that can lead to serious consequences. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “obesity is a chronic disease characterized by an increase in body fat mass compared to lean mass, and it is defined as an energy metabolism disorder that can cause physical, mental and social problems caused by excessive fat storage in the body” and is accepted all over the world. has seen. Therefore, obesity is a health problem.

After bariatric surgery, I eat as I want, and I do not gain weight: WRONG!

FACT: Obesity surgery aims to make the person happy and lose weight by eating less food. If the patient does not pay attention and does not comply with what the doctor and dietitian say, he can return to his old weight.

Obesity surgery can be applied to anyone who wants it: WRONG!

FACT: It cannot be applied to everyone who wants bariatric surgery. Whether the person is a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery is decided by looking at the following criteria:

Do you not have any disease and only your body mass index is 40 kg/m2 and above?

Your body mass index is 35 kg/m2 and do you have type-2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, asthma etc. co-morbidities and do these diseases negatively affect your quality of life?

Your body mass index is 27 kg/m2 and you have concomitant diseases, have you not been able to benefit from diet, exercise and pharmacological treatment with a specialist for at least six months?

Do you have advanced heart disease, cancer, liver cirrhosis etc.? Obesity surgery cannot be applied to those with this type of disease.

Do you have alcohol or substance addiction? Obesity surgery cannot be applied to such addicted people.

Are you of reproductive age and planning to become a mother soon? If you are planning to become a mother in the near future, you should definitely consult your doctor. Because pregnancy is not recommended for 24 months after bariatric surgery.

It is enough for me to talk to the surgeon for the operation: WRONG!

FACT: In bariatric surgery, being examined by the surgeon is only one of the steps. The patient, who has completed the programs of education and consciousness change, behavior change and reaching the target weight, maintaining the target weight and changing the environment, but still cannot reach the target weight (10-20% of the current weight), is evaluated by a multidisciplinary team. The appropriate surgical procedure is decided according to the Surgical evaluation, anesthesia evaluation, internal diseases evaluation (endocrine and gastroenterology), cardiological evaluation, psychiatric evaluation, physical medicine and rehabilitation evaluation and dietitian evaluations are made.


I can have the surgery I want, the same surgery can be applied to everyone: WRONG!

FACT: The patient cannot decide on his own what surgery to do for obesity surgery. Not everyone can be operated on. Sleeve gastrectomy (tube stomach) is the surgery that is widely used all over the world in obesity surgery. It is preferred because it has better physiological and functional results. However, the patient’s age, body mass index, concomitant diseases, eating habits play a major role in deciding the technique to be used. After all consultations are completed, the surgeon and the patient decide together which surgery will be performed.

If I have bariatric surgery, I will die or be left unfinished: WRONG!

FACT: Choosing the right patient, correct indication and correct surgical method is very important in obesity surgery. Obesity surgery should be performed by a professional team in an experienced and equipped center. The risk associated with bariatric surgery is no higher than the risk of gastric surgery. Removal or processing of a part of the stomach does not cause a significant deficiency in the patient. Surgery complications that may develop in a patient for whom surgery is recommended due to obesity are less risky than the current obese state.

After bariatric surgery, I’m done with the hospital and the team: WRONG!

FACT: Prof. Dr. Bilgi Baca “A patient who has undergone obesity surgery has a journey of at least two years with us. Follow-up continues in the long term. After the first postoperative control, regular controls and blood tests are performed in the first month, third month, sixth month, 1st year and 2nd year. The results are evaluated and vitamin and mineral supplements are provided if necessary.

Within a month after bariatric surgery, I would completely get rid of my excess weight: WRONG!

FACT: The goal of weight reduction in obesity surgery is completed in 1.5-2 years. The patient loses 75-80% of their excess weight with bariatric surgery and diet. It is recommended to lose excess weight gradually. After six months, when exercise becomes a part of the life change, patients gain their ideal weight in a healthy way.
