Are video game players better drivers? Science has decided!

Are video game players better drivers Science has decided

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    To drive well, play video games! According to a study, car racing games have a positive impact. Video game players would indeed be better drivers than non-players, with higher self-confidence and a higher number of points on their driving license.

    Car racing video games are very popular with fans of thrills and beautiful mechanics. But do they have any impact on real-world driving? This is the question that was asked Auto Tradera British specialist in online used car sales, by conducting a study of 1,000 drivers aged 18 and over, devoting more than four hours per week to racing video games.

    The results of the study are surprising: players of racing video games are indeed better drivers than non-players. Thus, 41% of players surveyed believe they have excellent driving skills, compared to only 13% of non-players. Gamers have higher self-confidence on the road, with 56% saying their gaming experience had a positive impact on their real-world driving, including improving their reaction time and spatial awareness.

    If the players are convinced of this, it seems that their feelings are confirmed by the numbers. Racing video game players have a higher number of points on their driving license than non-players. Thus, only 15% of players have already lost points on their license for dangerous driving, compared to 28% of non-players, according to the study.

    More alert thanks to the reflexes developed while playing racing games, gamers further develop their cognitive functions, as the study highlighted. “Video games and board games: Effects of playing practice on cognition” in 2023: “Video games appear to have greater potential for overall cognitive enhancement because they involve processing different types of information and adapting strategies dynamically and in real time.”

    However, the Auto Trader study also shows that racing video game players tend to engage in more dangerous behaviors on the road, such as cell phone use while driving. A quarter of the players surveyed had points taken off their license for this offense, compared to only 4% of non-players.

    On the other hand, non-players tend to be penalized more often for speeding, 85% of them compared to 71% of players.

    Our study shows a slight correlation between regular playing of racing video games and safer driving habits. However, all drivers, whether players or not, must respect road safety rules. New technologies available on new cars can also help avoid speeding penalties and reduce the temptation to use your cell phone while driving.“, comments Erin Baker, editorial director of Auto Trader.
