“Are there no more real feminists?” – The Express

Are there no more real feminists – The Express

The clarity of Elisabeth Badinter

Frédérique Luneau, Saint-Priest-Taurion (Haute-Vienne)

I fully approve of Elisabeth Badinter’s comments regarding anti-Semitism, the weakening of democracies and that of French universalism. This great intellectual has the merit of clearly expressing reality, something our politicians are incapable of. Where are the intellectuals of new generations to take over and carry the republican ideal of universalism? Unfortunately, we hear a lot more divisive words from people – including those from political parties or associations – without any culture or historical perspective. I have a 10-year-old daughter and the “wokist” and so-called anti-racist speeches worry me because I fear indoctrination which goes against our republican values. (“Elisabeth Badinter: ‘The radical Islamists were smarter than us‘”, L’Express of November 16.)

Judith Roy, Toulouse (Haute-Garonne)

During the anti-Semitic pogrom of October 7, during the crimes perpetrated against Christians in Nigeria and against Yazidis in Syria, women were treated in a particularly barbaric manner. It is, within the framework of a genocidal ideology, a mass femicide. However, as during the murder of Sarah Halimi or the rape of Lola, the so-called neo “feminists” remain strangely silent. Worse still: some of them show their support for Hamas and “decolonial” racist movements – themselves pro-Islamist. They therefore hate each other to the point of applauding their possible tormentors – or those of their daughters, if they have any. Are there no more real feminists? Yes, but they are in Israel, Kurdistan and Iran where they are fighting against Islamist barbarism. (“Israel-Hamas: the blindness of Mona Chollet or the worst of the left, by Abnousse Shalmani“, L’Express of November 2.)

READ ALSO >>In France, the response of pro-Hamas networks

Denis Malgrange, Limay (Yvelines)

I totally subscribe to Christophe Donner’s assessment of Denys Arcand’s latest film, Will. As hard-hitting as it is funny, he gives us a fierce critique of the place taken by wokism in a country, Canada, otherwise largely sheltered from the misfortunes of the world. Before the Hamas massacres hit the headlines, the main news story was whether mixed toilets could be tolerated in a public place. (“Wokism in Quebec”L’Express of November 16).

Patriotism against incivility

Daniel de Poli, Illkirch (Bas-Rhin)

When will we finally understand that the countless incivilities that affect our country are strongly linked to the unpatriotic policy that is pursued there? Indeed, this general disenchantment with France undermines the authority of police officers, teachers, mayors, etc. Because how can we respect representatives of a country which is never valued anywhere, even despised for its colonial past? The response to these abuses is therefore clear: revalorize this country and its symbols, whether the flag (to be placed on license plates in place of the European flag), The Marseillaise (to be sung every morning by schoolchildren) and the French language (by banning anglicisms from the media). Jean Jaurès said: “The homeland is the only good of those who have nothing.” (“Attacks, insults… Violence against mayors continues to increase in 2023”on Lexpress.fr)

READ ALSO >>“Facebook has changed a lot of things”: mayors increasingly confronted with violence

The real health scandal

Susan C. Harris, Connecticut (United States)

I thank L’Express for highlighting the dangers of ultra-processed foods and the way in which large food companies are trying to escape the Nutri-Score. Not clearly showing these classifications (Nova or other) risks misleading many consumers. (“Ultraprocessed foods: the new poison”L’Express of November 2.)
