Are mobile phones becoming history? New technology: Lapel phones! Palm projection detail…

Are mobile phones becoming history New technology Lapel phones Palm

Science fiction movies are becoming real every day. We had just gotten used to smart phones, and now lapel phone technology is being developed…


According to a newly developed prototype, we will be able to use phones by projecting them onto our hands. Phones are no longer mobile. With the new technology developed, this prototype can replace mobile phones.


This newly developed smartphone is a little different from the phones we currently use. With this technology, we will no longer be able to carry our mobile phones in our hands, but on our collars. When we want to use the phone, we will be able to use the phone from the projection image that will be projected onto our palm.

It will also be able to detect voice commands.


The mobile phone under development will be able to recognize the tone of voice of its user by using artificial intelligence technology. And it will allow him to translate simultaneously in the language he wants.

It was learned that, thanks to the developed technology, lapel phones can take photos at 13 megapixel quality.

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