Archipelago thieves caught in Haparanda | SVT News

There are approximately 500 people living on the island in the Haparanda archipelago and during the night to Monday several have been greeted by the suspicious duo.

At 11 o’clock the police announced that a man was arrested on suspicion of grand theft and at 2 o’clock another man was arrested.

– The police are still working on the case, including crime scene investigations and reporting, says Åsa Mjörndal, press spokesperson at the police command center (RLC).

More people may be affected

More properties may have been exposed and the police want to urge the public to look for cottages and properties that have been left unattended.

There is currently no information that any person has been subjected to violence in connection with the thefts, that the theft is considered to be serious and has to do with the value of the goods.

At the time of writing, there are no more suspects in the case.
