In April, everyone over 80 and everyone over 65 with daily nursing duties are asked to take a new dose of the covid vaccine.
But the way the vaccine is rolled out to the group differs greatly depending on the region – and once again there is concern that not everyone is being reached by information about the new dose.
– You have to have a little control over this yourself, says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén.
In April, the spring dose of vaccine against covid-19 will be offered to people in the groups who have an extra great need for protection against serious illness and death.
This applies to all people aged 80 and over as well as people aged 65 and over who have, as it is called, daily care interventions.
– We see that these groups are extra vulnerable, it is not enough with a dose in the autumn, says state epidemiologist Magnus Gisslén at the Public Health Authority.
The authority has seen that those in the group who did not take a treatment dose last year had a clearly higher risk of dying.
Not everyone gets an invitation
But how the vaccination is carried out differs greatly depending on the region in question. In some regions a summons is sent out, in others not.
– It varies, you have to check it out. It is of course easier to receive an invitation so you know what to do. But it differs, so you have to keep track of this yourself, says Magnus Gisslén.
Isn’t that a lot to ask of this group?
– Yes absolutely, especially for those who have home care and need to get to a vaccination centre. Here lies a responsibility on the regions to really get the vaccinations out and handle it in a way so that everyone who is offered can also get the dose.
Believe in the regions
Magnus Gisslén has great hope for the regions and believes they will solve the task.
– Yes, I absolutely think so, because this is so important. We must avoid people becoming seriously ill.
Overall, the state epidemiologist states that Sweden is currently in a calm covid situation with a low spread of infection.