applications off the beaten track

applications off the beaten track

Among the legislative candidates, we of course know the men and women who have made politics their profession over the years. But this year again, several candidates stand out. For the most part, they do not come from the political world. Overview of these original applications.

Among these original candidacies, there is first of all the family of the militants who decided to run for a seat of deputy.

This is the case for example of Taha Bouhafs, 25 years old. Known for his anti-racist commitment, he is the author of the video behind theBenalla affair filmed place de la Contrescarpe in Paris in May 2018. Also fervent support of the collective Adama Traore, it will be invested in the Rhône by France Insoumise and its New Popular Union. Taha Bouhafs had already run for the legislative elections in 2017, without success, he finished third. According to chained duckwho quotes relatives of the president, Emmanuel Macron would have said to himself “ stunned by this application.

Still among the activists, there is also Aymeric Caron. Former columnist for Laurent Ruquier, very committed to the antispecist cause, he has written several books on the subject. A logical path for Aymeric Caron who explains: “ I went from journalism to committed journalism, then from writing books where I tackle social projects that I want to carry out today on the legislative level. “. He is nominated as the candidate of the left-wing New People’s Union in a Parisian constituency.

Finally, among the activists who have decided to embark on a political adventure, we also find Stéphane Ravacley. This artisan baker had conducted, in January 2021, a hunger strike to defend his Guinean apprentice. EELV decided to invest it in the Doubs. According to the regional secretary of Europe Écologie-Les Verts in Franche-Comté, Cécile Prudhomme, this candidacy presents “ an interest in diversifying profiles in the National Assembly. Baker being a profession never represented “.

Another family of original candidates: that of comedians

And at the head of these, we find Laurent Baffie, known for his scathing humor on TV sets. At 64, he is also very committed to the animal cause and will therefore be a candidate in Paris for the Animalist Party. Small political formation which had not collected its 500 sponsorships to stand for the presidential election, in particular for lack of media visibility. It is precisely on this point that Laurent Baffie wants to help by putting ” his notoriety in the service of the Animalist Party “.

Still on the humorist side, Gérald Dahan, known for his telephone pranks, will be running for a constituency in Charente-Maritime for France Insoumise. A candidacy that strongly displeases the outgoing PS deputy Fabrice Barusseau who criticizes a parachuting of ” someone who arrives in the territory, who does not know it and who does not live there “.

Return to politics

Finally, there is a return to the political scene. Or rather, the story of an endless political migration: that of Manuel Valls. At 59, after a failure in the 2017 presidential election, after running unsuccessfully for mayor of Barcelona, ​​his hometown, the former Prime Minister of François Hollande is once again seeking a seat as a deputy.

This time, it is under the colors of Renaissance – ex-LaREM – that Manuel Valls has been invested to represent the French abroad and in particular those who live in Spain.

But there is a catch: the outgoing MP for this same constituency, Stéphane Vojetta, also LaREM, refuses this catapulting and makes it known that he has “ the firm intention of being a candidate for (his) own succession “while criticizing” parachute drops and other upheavals of an ancient world “. A battle for a deputy seat which could therefore be at loggerheads between the two men.
