Application privacy indicator coming to Google Play Store

Application privacy indicator coming to Google Play Store

1650990484 877 Application privacy indicator coming to Google Play Store

Technology giant Apple’s new security infrastructure for the App Store Google Play Store place in will receive.

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Apple launched a new era for the App Store last year. The company is using this new era. “The App Store informs how your data will be used.” introduced in the description. Apple quoted the following for this new period: “Each of the more than 1.8 million apps on the App Store must follow strict privacy guidelines and explain how they use your data. Before downloading an app privacy label You can review it so you can decide if the app is right for you.” This is exactly what the internet giant took as an example, long ago Android app market. Google Play Store started to develop a similar system for According to the announcement gradually coming into use as of today applications in the new era,securityIt will clearly show you all the data they will collect / process about you through the ” section. Here are also key details that the app can access from the phone (Location, photos etc.) will also be displayed as active.

The company, which generally creates a modern line here, will also highlight the special security measures used by application developers in the process. For example, if the application encrypts your data, this detail will be made publicly available to the user. At the same time, the suitability of the application for children is among the details that will be clearly stated.


It is explained that this step, which is based on the Play Store, will take some time for the process to reach everyone. In other words, privacy data will not appear in every application and in every country yet.

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