application files also received at Christmas

application files also received at Christmas

This Sunday, Christmas Eve, was a working day for employees of the Constitutional Council in Senegal. The body responsible for receiving candidacy files from presidential candidates has exceptionally opened its doors to allow candidates to complete their submission formalities.

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With our correspondent in Dakar, Birahim Touré

Around the alley which houses the headquarters of the constitutional council, in the city center, there are no crowds. Only a few journalists spy on the comings and goings of politicians in front of the gate where there is a barrier guarded by the gendarmerie. A Sunday like no other for Amadou Sow, representative of presidential candidate Abdourahmane Diouf, a former minister: “ Any exceptional situation requires exceptional measures. Presidential elections occur once every five years. The deposit stops on the 26th while there is a long weekend just before with Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th and Christmas Monday, a public holiday. We welcome the decision of the constitutional council. »

Opposition heavyweights are still missing

The exceptional opening of the constitutional council registry during this Christmas weekend is also welcomed by Cheikh Ahmed Tidiane Youm, the representative of the PUR, a party whose candidate is Aliou Mamadou Dia. “ The fact that they are working and that it is open all three days of the weekend is a very good thing. This even allows parties that must regularize their files to be able to do so on time. »

For the moment, less than ten candidates have presented themselves to the constitutional council. The representative of Amadou Ba of the ruling coalition, or that of the imprisoned opponent Ousmane Sonko, whose candidacy has been announced, as well as the representative of Khalifa Ababacar Sall, former mayor of Dakar, have not not yet submitted their application. Everyone will have until tomorrow, Tuesday at midnight, at the latest, to do so.

Read alsoSenegal: Karim Wade’s presidential candidacy submitted to the Constitutional Council
