Appliance components found in Russian tanks!

Appliance components found in Russian tanks

According to a US report, Russia, hit by sanctions, is no longer able to obtain certain components to build new tanks. Ukrainian soldiers have discovered tanks that work thanks to chips intended for dishwashers and refrigerators.

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The effects of some of the sanctions against Russia, which are intended to reduce the country’s ability to continue its war in ukraine, will only be felt in the long term. One of the sanctions is the ban on exporting to the country any military or dual-use (military and civilian) equipment. Even if many companies like McDonald’s or Ikea have announced their withdrawal from the country, the sanctions do not target civilian equipment.

According to the washington postwhich can no longer import microchips for its tanks, Russia is now obliged to use those from household appliances. ” Ukrainians tell us that when they find military equipment Russians on the ground, they are filled with semiconductors that they removed from dishwasher and refrigerators », has indicated Gina Raimondo, United States Secretary of Commerce.

Basic GPS taped to planes

In addition, two of the tank manufacturers in Russia are currently shut down due to lack of components. The situation is not limited to tanks either. British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has indicated that the Russians are also tinkering with their SU-34 bombers. On several downed aircraftthe Ukrainians discovered receivers GPS basic, taped to the dashboard, to compensate for their insufficient navigation systems.

This rather anecdotal information reveals the effectiveness of the sanctions against Russia. April 30, Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the Ukrainian army had destroyed more than 1,000 Russian tanks, 200 planes and 2,500 armored vehicles. Sanctions may make it impossible for the Kremlin to replace these losses.

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