Apple’s pressure on iOS app developers

Apples pressure on iOS app developers

A few days ago, we learned, through the voice of some angry iOS developers, that Apple was in the middle of spring cleaning. And left them thirty days to update their old applications, under penalty of seeing them removed from the App Store.

A measure that some of them have not digested, in particular game developers, who have not understood why they had to update a complete, completed program.

In a press release, Apple dots the “i”, recalls why it is taking these measures and indicates that it has already deleted 2.8 million (!) applications deemed obsolete, in application of the program “ App Store Improvements »launched in 2016.

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He thus explains that the developers of applications which have not been updated for three years and which are no longer (or almost no longer) downloaded by users will receive an email explaining to them that their app could be deleted. The company nevertheless indicates that it will allow up to 90 days (compared to 30 previously) for developers to propose a update.

Why such a measure? First to declutter an App Store loaded with programs that are really obsolete… and to facilitate the discovery of more modern alternatives. “Users more easily find apps that cover their needs when outdated apps are no longer in the App Store” explains the firm. But other issues also come into play, such as security, of course, as well as “user experience”: Apple wants the programs in its store to be perfectly compatible with its latest terminals.
