Apple would have regained the first place for the worldwide delivery of smartphones, ahead of Samsung

Apple would have regained the first place for the worldwide

The Canalys Institute has just published its latest ranking of smartphone deliveries worldwide. We still find the same trio of manufacturers in the lead (Apple, Samsung and Xiaomi), but Apple is back ahead of Samsung with a market share of 22%, against 20% for the Korean. This is preliminary data, which may change. But if confirmed, they show strong demand for the iPhone 13, despite the pandemic and component shortages.

According to Canalys analyst Sanyam Chaurasia, Apple achieved an unprecedented score in China thanks to an aggressive pricing policy for its iPhone 13. The manufacturer admittedly suffered from the shortage of components, which forced it to reduce production of its latest smartphone in the last quarter of 2021, but managed to deliver on time to priority markets. Also, its production line is getting back to normal.

For the vice-president of Canalys in charge of mobility, Nicole Peng, the shortage of components has mainly caused harm to small manufacturers. Thus, the major brands were able to react by focusing production on the most important models, by finding new sources of components, and even by modifying the specifications of their devices to adapt to the available components.

According to Canalys, smartphone shipments in the third quarter of 2021 worldwide fell by 6% compared to the previous year. For the last quarter, the institute indicates in its preliminary results a timid increase of only 1%.


According to Canalys, the shortage of components has mainly harmed small manufacturers. Thus, the major brands were able to react by focusing production on the most important models, by finding new sources of components, and even by modifying the specifications of their devices to adapt to the available components.

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It should be noted that the Canalys figures take into account deliveries of smartphones, but not sales in value or volume. They are nevertheless representative of the good or bad health of the manufacturers’ production chain.

Source : Canalys
