Apple wants to train its own artificial intelligence model with news content

Apple paused iOS 18 work for a while due to

One of the world’s largest technology companies AppleAccording to today’s news, it has developed its own artificial intelligence model with news content. He wants to educate.

The New York Times According to information obtained by the technology giant Apple its own artificial intelligence model, which it has been working on, through a multi-year deal worth at least $50 million. It aims to educate using information / content on news sites. Among the news sites mentioned Condé Nast, NBC News, Vogue, Wired, Vanity Fair, Ars Technica, Glamour, The New Yorker, GQ and more, including Other platforms are expected to be included in the list over time.. As far as it is said, there are those who are cold towards the process, as well as those who are warm about it. Apple definitely needs such data. It is very risky for the technology giant to use data from Google to train its own artificial intelligence model. wants to approach the process in the right way, both ethically and legally. By the way, Apple is not the first name to take a step in this regard, and even OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, may have been an example. Because OpenAI became the parent company of the Associated Press and Politico last month. Axel Springer and signed an agreement to use their news content in the training process of its own artificial intelligence models.


As far as we learned yesterday, Applehas found a way to run “LLM” directly on iPhones. For those who missed it ChatGPT Behind systems such as LLM / Large Language Model or its Turkish equivalent “Large Language Model” is included. For example, ChatGPT is currently GPT-4 It works on the basis of the big language model, and Apple is also carrying out important work in this regard. In fact, according to the latest information, the company directly He has found a way to run “LLM” on iPhones. Of course, the technical details are quite complicated, but the company wants to keep large LLM data directly in flash memory.

For fast access to large amounts of data “groundbreaking” The company, which is reported to have developed special techniques, can use it for its own LLM infrastructure, codenamed Ajax and also called Apple-GPT, and thus iPhones can deliver a vastly improved productive AI experience even when there is no internet connection. “The groundbreaking system we have developed is crucial for the use of advanced LLMs in resource-limited environments, thereby increasing their applicability and accessibility.” Apple researchers also said in the document they shared, “These efficiency-oriented methods allow artificial intelligence models to run on twice the available memory of the iPhone.” he also explains.
