Apple Vision Pro – then it will come to Sweden

Apple Vision Pro then it will come to Sweden



full screen A visitor tests the Apple Vision Pro in a store in the United States when it went on sale there in early February. Photo: Noah Berger/AP

A future where everyone walks around in weird ski goggles.

Yes, it could become a reality if tech giant Apple gets their way.

– Everyone thinks something about this, both that it is heaven and hell, says Aftonbladet’s AI columnist Nicklas Hermansson in the Aftonbladet Daily podcast.

The technology giant Apple has come up with a new headset that is said to change the way we humans both communicate and take part in entertainment. But the question is whether their latest venture will become a must in our lives.

– The headset has sensors in it that measure your movements and your voice. For example, you can open or click on things using your eyes, says Aftonbladet’s AI columnist Nicklas Hermansson.

Looks like ski goggles

Apple Vision Pro has now been launched in the USA and will eventually come to Sweden. There are strong visions surrounding the headset, which looks like a pair of ski goggles.

The company’s CEO, Tim Cook, hopes that it will be as big in the market as the predecessor IPhone.

– He may have risked his entire inheritance, because he bets everything on such an unproven product, says Hermansson.


full screen Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook. Photo: Jeff Chiu/AP

The giants don’t hang on

Instead of virtual reality, Apple’s latest technology gadget delivers spatial computing, which should optimize the digital experience.

Nicklas Hermansson explains exactly what it is in the podcast. But it is clear that the Apple Vision Pro is a watershed in the industry, but everyone seems to have an opinion.

– Everyone thinks something about this, both that it is heaven and hell, he says.

Whether it will be a success remains to be seen. Critics point out that it is too expensive and too niche.

And streaming giants like Netflix, Youtube and Spotify don’t update their apps to the product.

– If the headset continues to look like this, only those who are most interested in technology and have a lot of money will try it. Then it becomes memes and not much more, says Hermansson.

The product is not expected to arrive in Sweden this year, but probably only in 2025.

Listen to the podcast above or in your usual podcast player.
