Apple Surveys Developers About Digital ‘Persona’ with Vision Pro

Apple, is collecting feedback on the device’s “Persona” feature from developers who have access to the Vision Pro headset. A persona is a digital representation of the user created using the headset’s cameras. It can make the same facial expressions and hand gestures as the user, so FaceTime calls feel more like a person-to-person interaction.

Apple asks developers a series of questions about the Persona experience:

  • How do you feel about your Persona?
  • To what extent do you think this Persona represents your appearance?
  • To what extent do you think your Persona responds to your facial expressions?
  • What do you like most about your persona?
  • What do you like least about your persona?
  • What do you like/dislike about this Persona?

Developers are given multiple choice answers for most of the questions, with the last one being an open feedback form.

Feedback from developers will help Apple refine the Persona feature before the Vision Pro headset launches in early 2024. The price of the headset will be $ 3,500 and will be available first in the United States.

The Persona feature is still in development. Apple is asking for feedback from developers to make the Persona feature as realistic and natural as possible. The Vision Pro headset is a high-end device targeting a niche market. It’s unclear how popular the Persona feature will be, but it could be a valuable tool for businesses and professionals who need to communicate with customers or colleagues remotely. Who knows, maybe a lower version with a lower price and limited features may be released in the future.
