Apple Shortcuts Finally Arrive at Tesla

Apple Shortcuts Finally Arrive at Tesla

We live in an age where cars are not just four wheels and an engine; but also technology, connectivity and… digital assistants. TeslaThe latest update to the ever-evolving world of Apple SiriIt brings the power of . to your fingertips.

Tesla, often delayed and somewhat misguided, but still in his endless quest for progress, yesterday in the iOS mobile app announced a new feature: Integration with Apple shortcuts. And so Tesla owners have more to brag about.

For tech newbies Apple Shortcuts app is like giving your iPhone a series of personalized, multi-step commands that must be followed at the touch of a button or a voice command. Think of it as your digital assistant. This is especially true if you own Tesla. it can definitely make your life a little easier.

You can now activate tasks related to your Tesla by asking Siri or using the Shortcut widgets. “Hey Siri, turn on the air conditioner‘ you can say on a hot day. And voila, your car gets cold in an instant before you slide into those leather seats. It literally means sweet relief.

You may be wondering, “Hasn’t this been done before?” Third-party apps offered some similar features. But there is a big difference between an ‘official’ and ‘unofficial’ solution. Now Tesla has taken charge of the reins, delivering a fluid experience directly from its app.

Interestingly, voice-activated systems are not entirely new to the automotive world. In fact, in the 1960s Chrysler introduced an audio warning system in their cars.

Tesla-Apple integrationhighlights a broader shift in the automobile industry. It’s no longer just about horsepower, fuel or battery efficiency; It’s about integrating our digital lifestyles into our tools. If our homes can be smart, why can’t our cars be smart?

We hope that Tesla has thoroughly tested the integration to ensure user safety and smooth operation. We wouldn’t want any miscommunication with Siri, would we?

Kidding aside, it’s one more step towards making technology work for us. While some say we’re becoming more and more dependent on technology, we argue that we’ve found more innovative ways to make our daily tasks efficient.
