Apple releases new ads for iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Plus

Apple releases new ads for iPhone 14 Pro and 14

Technology giant Apple has released two new ads for the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Plus today. These focused on two areas.

The most striking aspect of the iPhone 14 Plus in the new advertisements, which you can watch just below, published by Apple recently. high battery lifeThe focus is on the accident detection feature of the iPhone 14 Pro. The accident detection feature can detect automobile accidents and call for help at the current location, and from time to time, life rescuing.

Apple recently today iPhone 14 Pro He shared a new short film shot with him. Also, because Apple is the current series of iPhones iPhone 14 Pro continues to showcase the video/camera capabilities of the series. For this published short film Huracan Ramírez vs. La Piñata Enchiladais 13 minutes long and is featured by the following short description: “Lucha Libre legend Huracán Ramírez is back to face a dire threat, an evil piñata terrorizing all of Mexico.” The content, which looks quite interesting, once again revealed that very expensive cameras are not always needed for cinematic shots. However, one thing should not be forgotten here. In this type of shooting, the phones are definitely supported with professional equipment.


So how exactly was this movie made? The video sharing from Apple on this issue was as follows:

Apple had managed to attract attention with the commercial film “The Great Escape” shot in Istanbul before that. You can watch below 14 Pro for the commercial film “The Great Escape” shot in Istanbul with Apple Türkiye The statement made by: “An action-packed chase story set in the historical streets of Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar: The Great Escape. Shot from start to finish with the iPhone 14 Pro’s amazing camera features such as Macro shooting, Cinematic mode and Motion mode.” Sinan Sevinc Actors in the commercial that came to life under the direction of Bartu Küçükçağlayan, Dougie George And Melis Sakaoglu Emerges. The song used in the movie has come to the fore frequently in recent weeks. Golden Dayfrom “Great Escape” is disclosed.
