Apple now considers your AirPods obsolete

Apple now considers your AirPods obsolete

Apple recently added several of its devices to its list of items considered vintage and obsolete.

If you still own the first generation of AirPods, congratulations, you own a device that Apple now considers vintage.

Apple, like many other manufacturers, has a habit of regularly updating its flagship products with new versions. This inevitably leads to older devices no longer being supported and no longer receiving updates. A tech device like a smartphone or wireless headphones that no longer receive updates are generally considered “obsolete” by the manufacturer who will no longer recommend them for purchase.

A few days ago, Apple updated its list of products considered vintage and obsolete. It includes three new devices that are still widely circulated among users today:

  • The iPhone X released in 2017
  • The first generation of AirPods released in 2016
  • The first HomePod released in 2018

If you still have one of these items, rest assured, it may still work perfectly. This means that Apple no longer recommends them for purchase and encourages owners to upgrade to a newer model, particularly for performance and security reasons (especially for the iPhone X).

To follow the list of devices considered obsolete by Apple, simply go to on the dedicated pageThe latter is frequently updated by the manufacturer, which indicates devices that have not been sold in stores for more than 7 years.

Items considered vintage and obsolete by Apple can still be repaired in an official store, but this will mainly depend on the replacement parts still available.
