Apple Music has been integrated into many DJ software and hardware platforms

Apple Music has been integrated into many DJ software and

Apple’s platform, which hosts more than 100 million pieces, Apple Music, integrated into many DJ software and hardware platforms was.

The infrastructure, which allows DJs to provide quick access to music, has been expanded as of today. Apple Music integration is now directly located in Alphatheta, Serato, Engine DJ, Denon DJ, Numark and Rane DJ. Thanks to the step taken by music manufacturers, Alphatheta’s application for iPhone and iPad can access the entire Apple Music catalog. As it is transferred, Algoriddim’s popular DJ has been presenting Apple Music since last year.

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Apple came to the agenda yesterday with an AirPods Max development. The company conveyed the following: “Ultra low-delay lossless sound feature comes to AirPods Max with a software update next month. Thus, users meet even higher performance in superior listening experience and music production. Thanks to the USB-C cable offered with the product, users can experience the highest quality sound experience in all content such as music, film and game. offered.

With this update, AirPods Max is 24 -bit and 48 kHz lossless sound feature. This feature allows the audience to experience music as it is produced in the studio by the artist, while maintaining the integrity of the original records. The lossless sound feature, including the personalized spatial sound, gives a more accurate, uncompressed and impressive experience in terms of sound. In addition, users can listen to more than 100 million songs with Apple Music using the lossless sound feature.

Ultra low -delay lossless sound allows music content manufacturers to make the best use of AirPods Max in the entire professional workflow in Logic Pro and other music making applications. When the USB-C cable is used, the AirPods Max becomes the first headset that allows musicians to make music and mixed by using head-monitoring personalized spatial sound.
