Apple Music earns more than Spotify platform

Apple Music earns more than Spotify platform

Popular service leading the online music market Spotify, to artists Apple Music It pays less for its service.

Currently at the top of the online music market Spotify and Apple Music is located. Both these services pay content producers/singers/artists per listen. Producer L.Dre the leader of the field according to the information given by Spotify, per listen $0.0033 is paying. Apple Music On the other hand, the situation is better. Apple offers artists per listen $0.01 gives. One of the best names in the market is the platform that left Turkey. Tidal. Artists per listen on Tidal $0.013 taking.

Making a comparison over the biggest L.Dreon Apple Music Reaching 4.7 million listens from a song $24,000 revenue states that he got it. On the Spotify side 4.5 million listens in return 11 thousand dollars reportedly paid. So there is a very serious difference between the two platforms. Spotify’s artists Amazon Music, YouTube Music and Deezer It is reported that it pays less from its platforms and can only stay on top of Pandora.


This is not the first time this issue has come up.. From what we’ve heard before, even many big names can’t just live their lives connected to Spotify. Business Insider’s According to the news he compiled last year from different sources The amount Spotify pays to artists/singers varies from country to country. For example, singers charge $0.0035 per listen from US listeners in the US market. It is reported that Italian listeners received $0.0019 per listening.

According to global calculations, on average, singers earn between $.003 and $0.005 per listen. According to the same accounts, a singer’s The song must be listened to at least 250 times to earn 1 dollar. In summary, it is necessary to reach incredible listening numbers for good income. as it is said paid monthly There are other variables in song/piece earnings.

As we said above, many famous names Spotify It doesn’t get huge numbers on it. Therefore, singers need other sources of income such as concerts and product sales. It should also be noted that there are taxes that vary from country to country in the process. From digital music revenues high rates of income tax.
