Apple may introduce new products this week and increase prices in Türkiye

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tech giant Apple It may introduce new products this week and unfortunately, Turkey may also increase its prices significantly.

According to the claim made by MacRumors Apple may introduce multiple new products this week. Reliable source speaking in the past hours mark GurmanAccording to what Apple says, the first new hardware products of 2024 (New iPads and Macs with M3 processors are coming) will not organize a special event for Instead, it will be promoted through press releases and advertisements. According to the latest posts, Apple is new Magic Keyboard And Apple Pencil is also preparing to unveil its models. While new MacBook Airs are coming on the Mac side, as we said before, we are especially curious about the new iPads. OLED New screen that will make a difference iPad Pro The models will be thinner than the tablets they will replace (the frames can also be slightly thinned), but other than that, they will appear with the same design, down to the camera positions / modules. A lot of other information has arrived for the models so far.


For example, according to the latest information obtained from the supply chain, the OLED screen of the 13-inch iPad Pro LG Display The OLED screen of the 11-inch iPad Pro from Samsung Display It will come from the company. Having agreed with two South Korea-based manufacturers regarding the screen, Apple will be able to easily reach the number of panels it wants by dividing the supply in two. Unless Apple makes a special choice between these panels (the screen of the larger model may have been preferred more advanced), there will be no noticeable difference in terms of quality.

The allegations coming from South Korea last month are: Pro with OLED display tablets will be much more expensive than existing LCD-based models, meaning Apple He brought up the fact that the high cost of OLED panels would be reflected directly to consumers. Allegations of the family It will start from $1,500 and at the top the full price It will go up to 2 thousand dollars It was in the direction.

A different claim came to the fore recently, stating that the models will see a price increase, but It was stated that there will be no increase as large as previously stated.. There is still no clear information given here, but The increase will be around 160 dollars It is claimed. Apple’s current 11-inch iPad Pro model starts at $799, and the 1-inch “Pro” model with a mini LED screen starts at $1,099 abroad.
