Apple lost its important manager to Google with the decision to “return to the office”

Apple lost its important manager to Google with the decision

tech giant applelost its important manager named Ian Goodfellow to Google on the subject of “back to office” stepping back.

Apple, like many companies, started to allow its employees to work from home during the C0vid-19 period. This situation continued for a long time and most of the employees got used to this system. However, the company wants to change this process as the epidemic begins to decrease. The technology giant aimed to make it mandatory for employees to come to the office at least three days a week as of May 23. However, this situation caused a great reaction within the company, and one of the most vocal steps in this regard was taken from Apple’s machine learning leaders. Ian Goodfellow threw. The experienced name resigned from Apple due to this necessity.

Ian Goodfellow due to the resignation from the company and the reaction of other employees to the process. apple, postponed the 23 May decision, or in other words, had to postpone it. Behind this, as he said, there is also the effect of the increasing Covid-19 cases as well as the reactions, and the company also makes it mandatory to use masks in public areas in the headquarters. Despite this, the giant company still wants some employees to come to the office, but for now, it is mandatory two days a week.


It is a real loss for Apple as the field it works in is very important. Ian Goodfellow now a Google employee. Experienced job finder in a very short time namespecifically affiliated with Google parent company Alphabet DeepMind will be employed by the firm. DeepMind works on machine learning and artificial intelligence and brings together the world’s best names in this field.

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