During its Monday night event, Apple announced the M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max, with performance up to 80 percent faster than the first M1 processor. The new chipsets bring industry firsts to GPU dynamic caching, allowing the system to reserve resources for when they’re needed most. This new technology will provide a consistent and stable experience even on the most resource-intensive projects.
Apple M3 series is 80 percent faster than the M1 processor
Also included in the new set of features is mesh shading, which enables advanced geometry rendering that can render complex scenes. This mesh shading signals a major investment in gaming technology, especially when combined with the introduction of ray tracing for the first time on Mac hardware.
Ray tracing enables realistic lighting and complements 3D rendering, which is now even faster with the new M3 series. The performance upgrade is expected to be 30 percent faster than the M1 chip and have cores with 50 percent faster efficiency compared to the first-generation Apple chip.