Apple has found a way to make virtual keyboards less annoying

Apple has found a way to make virtual keyboards less

Apple’s Rumors circulated that it was working on a MacBook with a virtual, touchscreen keyboard. However, this will likely produce due to uncomfortable typing experience often seemed like a terrible idea. Apple has an idea how to make this experience better – but it’s pretty weird.

A patent recently granted to Apple is a small, a ring-like device, explains how you can pinch and slide your fingers to create various sensations when you touch a surface. In other words, this patent less tiring and more enjoyable to repeatedly tap your fingers against a piece of glass makes it.

The way Apple achieves this is rather strange. In the patent, Apple explains that users will wear a small device on their fingertips. This device contains actuators that can pinch your fingers as you approach the writing surface.

This is Apple’s virtual keyboards ways to make it better for writing It shows you trying to find it. Other unusual ideas from the company include a glass keyboard that can deform itself to create raised or lowered sections, and actually creates shallow physical keys that have never been before.

Besides that, Apple’s top secret Reality Pro mixed reality headset It is said to include similar ring-like devices to be worn on your fingers, so we may see the true version of this patent in the future with the Apple experience.
