The sequel to a huge sci-fi series is coming soon. Foundation Season 2 will premiere on AppleTV+ in July 2023.
What is Foundation about? The series is based on a book series by Isaac Asimov and takes place in the future.
The mathematician Dr. Hari Seldon prophesied the fall of the Galactic Empire and now works with his team to secure humanity’s knowledge for reconstruction. But ruler Brother Day doesn’t like that at all.
Here’s a trailer for Foundation Season 2:
Foundation – S02 Trailer (German) HD
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Season 2 takes place a full century after the events of Season 1. Tensions grow high within the galaxy, and war against the Empire erupts. The story focuses once again on exiles fighting for the survival of mankind.
Some familiar faces are returning for Season 2 of the series, including Jared Harris, Lee Lou Llobell and Leah Harvey. Lee Pace, known to many from the Hobbit films as Thranduil or the Marvel antagonist Ronan, is also back.
How is the community reacting? On reddit, users reacted positively to the official season 2 teaser and are looking forward to the new season. The teaser already looks visually promising and can keep up with season 1. Above all, many wish for more story about the character ruler, played by Lee Pace.
A user compares Foundation to the hit Dune, also a sci-fi adventure based on a book series. Both film adaptations will be released in 2021 and are praised for being visually spectacular.
After that you see Dune with different eyes
When does Foundation season 2 start? From July 14, 2023 you can watch the sequel to the sci-fi series via AppleTV+. Fans can look forward to a total of 10 episodes of Foundation, which appear weekly.
Until then, you can watch this acclaimed series on Netflix: Critics celebrate the release of the mini-series – but it only becomes a hit 2 years later … thanks to TikTok