Apple engineer accused of technology theft!

Apple engineer accused of technology theft

Chinese national and former apple Its engineer, Weibao Wang, was indicted by the US Department of Justice (DOJ). The six charges begin primarily with theft and attempted theft of autonomous car technology. This is for years Another event that continues to weaken Sino-American relations it happened.

US prosecutors have found that Wang’s treasure trove of Apple’s autonomous technology for a Chinese company source code He claims he stole it. The suspect reportedly fled the United States on the day his home was searched by law enforcement.

Former Apple software engineer, according to DOJ indictment He worked at Apple from 2016 to 2018. He served on Apple’s Annotation Team and was given broad access to databases, which at the time was accessible to approximately 2% of Apple’s 135,000 employees.

The Wang case is the third case involving the theft of Apple’s autonomous technology for Chinese interests. It is accused of stealing or attempting to steal Apple’s entire autonomy source code, tracking systems, behavior planning for autonomous systems, and hardware descriptions that support the autonomous system.

While still working with Apple, Wang accepted a job at the US-based subsidiary of the as-yet-unnamed Chinese company. The company was developing autonomous driving technology, and Wang began leaking large amounts of sensitive Apple technology and source code to the company. The DOJ indictment also stated that only about 4% of Apple employees were aware of the project.

A search of Wang’s home in California on June 27, 2018 revealed a large amount of stolen, confidential and proprietary data. He later fled the United States despite promising not to do so. It was confirmed that he boarded a flight from San Francisco International Airport to Guangzhou, China. If extradited and convicted, Wang could face 10 years in prison for each charge.
