Apple CEO spoke assertively about artificial intelligence again

Tim Cook answered a remarkable iPhone question

One of the most valuable technology companies in the world AppleImportant studies on artificial intelligence behind closed doors doing.

Tim Cook today at Apple He said that it would be a breakthrough in the field of productive artificial intelligence. The CEO did not give any additional details on this issue, but this statement alone was enough to make a splash. Apple will equip iOS 18 and more, which it will introduce within the scope of WWDC24, with productive artificial intelligence features / opportunities. especially running LLM, i.e. large language model, directly in iPhones It runs on many large systems. Apple is coming to the fore with many artificial intelligence developments these days. For example, as the company recently revealed, it is designed to assist support teams and support the process of finding solutions to customers’ technical questions / problems. It tests a ChatGPT-like system called “Ask”. It is reported that the productive artificial intelligence-based system is currently in a pilot program and Ask said, “A customer is unable to update their device to iOS 13.7. What can be done?” It is stated that it can quickly answer questions such as these based on the official data it accesses. Meanwhile, Apple also helps application developers with artificial intelligence will be. According to recent information, the company is powered by artificial intelligence with the new version of Xcode. is preparing to introduce a tool to help application developers.


Signed here by Microsoft GitHub Copilot It is reported that a similar system has been established, this infrastructure looks great especially for those who are new to application development / coding. It is stated that Apple has also taken great steps towards the end consumer in creating automatic playlists in Apple Music using artificial intelligence, automatic slide preparation in Keynote, or offering a chatbot-like search experience in Spotlight search.
