Apple Car electric car project canceled

Driverless vehicle tests continue for Apple Car

It has been in the works for a long time Apple Car electric car The project has been completely canceled according to the information received today. was done.

Apple Car The project (called Project Titan within the company) has been making a splash for years, and it was known that things were generally not going well in the project. Thereupon came some not-so-surprising news: Bloomberg just announced that Apple has canceled its car project. The majority of the teams working on Apple Car have reportedly been shifted to productive artificial intelligence work (iOS 18 will be very strong in this regard). Sources that made the latest statement within the scope of the project where an incredible number of personnel changed: He stated that Apple plans to launch the vehicle in 2028.. The vehicle, which was previously claimed to be fully autonomous and would not have a steering wheel or brake pedal, was later brought to the agenda with the knowledge that it would retain the traditional structure.


Recently, many different technology companies have been interested in the automobile industry, and the latest name that makes a splash in this regard is Chinese. Xiaomi had happened. The company, which has prepared a very ambitious car named SU7, continues its production efforts to bring the vehicle it exhibited within the scope of MWC 2024 to the market. Xiaomi SU7, which is unlikely to be sold in Turkey, attracted attention as a sporty option. Meanwhile, another Chinese company, Huawei, is also doing important work in the field and is preparing many cars together with its partners.
