Apple broke Türkiye sales record in the last quarter

Apple added a location based hidden infrastructure to iOS 16

apple CEO Tim Cook also made a record announcement for Turkey within the scope of the company’s last quarter results.

to remember apple, in the previous quarter left for him $117 billion revenue And $30 billion net profit had achieved. In the last quarter, the details of which were given last week, the company $94.8 billion revenue with $24.1 billion net profit explained. While these figures, which were achieved in only three months, were breathtaking once again, the company was able to leave all its competitors behind in the field with the results obtained. Despite the economic conditions that started after the pandemic, other negativities and deteriorating / costly supply lines, we have left another good quarter behind. tech giant Applethe most income once again It was achieved through iPhones, and even a record was broken here for the quarter. The second area in which the company earns the most money, as in the previous quarter, services it happened. Apple services last globally 935 million It was said that he left the subscriber behind. In the last quarter, it was shared that the services approached 1 billion subscribers. Refraining from disclosing specific figures for many services applein the past months 2 billion active devices globally had reached. Within the scope of the last quarter results speaking Apple CEO Tim Cook said:We have been particularly pleased with the performance we have seen in emerging markets, including Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye and we hit a number of march quarter records including Brazil, Malaysia and India as well as all-time records in the UAE” said. Behind the recent record breaking sales in Turkey, There may be an increase in the dollar exchange rate. Because many people and sellers expect Apple to make a serious hike in its products in Turkey due to the exchange rate increase. It is estimated that he will do it when the dollar is officially 21 TL.


About last quarter revenues Tim Cook Moreover, “Despite the challenging macroeconomic environment, we are pleased to break the all-time record for Services and the March quarter record for iPhone and the all-time high for active devices.” he said.
